1 Meter = 3.28084 Feet Readings under 2 meters = Algal Bloom

Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is crucial to a lake's health because it is essential for the survival of all aquatic organisms, including fish, plants, and invertebrates, as they need oxygen to breathe, making it a key indicator of water quality and the ability of a lake to support life; low DO levels (below 2.0 mg/l) can lead to stress, disease, and even fish kills if significantly depleted

Water temperature significantly impacts lake water quality by affecting the amount of dissolved oxygen, nutrient levels, stratification patterns, and the growth of algae and other aquatic organisms, with warmer temperatures generally leading to decreased dissolved oxygen, increased algal blooms, and potential disruption of the ecosystem balance, ultimately impacting the overall health of the lake

Water Temperature


Microcystins are a family of toxins produced by cyanobacteria, a type of blue-green algae, that can cause serious illness in humans and death in animals

Friends of Lake Winnecook test for Microcystins, the test results for 2024 were negative for the presence of Microcystins.

Secchi Disk

A Secchi Disc Reading is recorded when the Disc is no longer visible