Soil erosion is actually the single largest pollutant source - by volume - to Maine lakes, with 50% of this coming from camp roads.
An effective camp road maintenance program will help protect your lake or pond from the negative impacts of soil erosion from your road. Many camp roads were either not properly constructed, or not properly maintained, or both. Because of this, rain and melting snow runoff erode the road.
2019 Lake Winnecook Non-Paved Road Survey and Preliminary Erosion Assessment
Appendix A contains a list of all roads visually surveyed during April and May of 2019, as well as roads not surveyed. Fifty-four roads were surveyed, and approximately eight roads were not surveyed due to impassibility or other factors. Each of these roads was visually surveyed on both sides and on the roadbed for issues of roadbed structure, drainage, erosion, substrate, adjacent drainage, stream crossings and potential for flooding, culverts, and invasive plants. No testing or quantitative measurements were made.

New(2021) Maine Private way Statute §3121: Responsibility for cost of repairs to and maintenance of private roads that benefit residential properties.
What is one of the best actions you can take to help the water quality of your lake?
Get together with two other neighbors and form your own road association! Organized road associations are the best and most efficient way to improve planning for and implementation of successful road maintenance programs that minimize soil erosion from entering the lake. Please click on the image to the left for a PDF of the document.
Property Owner Tip: during the next rain storm, put on a raincoat and walk your road. Observe where the stormwater is running and if it is brown and muddy. Brown, muddy water means erosion is happening and is ending up in the lake. Use the resources provided below to help Identify and resolve the issue.
Camp Road Resources
Basics and benefits of the different types of road associations, pros and cons for each, and steps for forming a road association.
All forms needed to create a road association\ Sample meeting agendas\minutes\ budget.
State Laws Related To Camp Roads
Environmentally Sensitive Road Maintenance Practices Guide for Lakes and Ponds
Evaluating Gravel Roads Score Sheet
Use this sheet to evaluate what shape your road is in, and what areas might be needing attention.
information on proper maintenance and design of camp roads
Stream Stressor Guide - This guide provides information about stressors that can impair a stream gives guidance on how to identify which stressors and causal pathways are impairing or threatening a stream.
Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs - The purpose of this handbook helps land development consultants and contractors incorporate urban best management practices for erosion and sedimentation control into project design, planning, and construction.