Stormwater runoff is the number one cause for our lake's algal blooms. Runoff happens when we build roads, houses, lawns and driveways. These impermeable surfaces do not absorb rain. This runoff collects sediment particles that contain nutrients that feed the algae blooms plaguing the lake Runoff can also contain harmful bacteria, viruses and toxic materials from the land. Rain garden and path Rain garden with a infiltrated path and Erosion Control Mulch (ECM) An eroding shoreline After properly stabilizing shoreline utilizing angular stone rip rap Here is the normal everyday path down to the shoreline. Now try and picture this scene with its slope pointing to the lake during a severe rainstorm Utilizing untreated hardwood, crushed stone, Erosion Control Mulch (ECM) and a little sweat equity. Safe steps for you, your guests and the lake.